Queensberry Albums


Duo Album      Flushmount      Overlay  Matted      Classic      Matted  Musée


Our signature range, dynamic and distinctive.

Duo albums are a fusion of matted and flushmount pages, creating a uniquely modern presentation album. Pages are clean-edged and images mounted in pagemount or overlay style.
























Duo's are our signature product. They enable you to combine Matted and Flushmount pages in the same album, and to bleed images out to the edge of matted pages on one or more sides. 

Pages can be mounted overlay or pagemount style (with the photos trimmed to fit inside the card mat to expose the core page) and have clean cut edges (no edging or corners). Available with ivory or black mats and core pages. Printed on Kodak Endura Luster photographic paper printed with traditional silver halide technology.













































Duo's are available in a range of sizes from 8x8 up to 18x12. Sizes are expressed in inches and are approximate.















Choose from plain, Photo Front, Cover Motif or Embossed cover styles. Add names to Photo Fronts or Cover Motifs by choosing one of our template styles. Photo Front covers are available in either half or full photo covers. Cover Motifs come in Square, Vertical or Horizontal formats - click here to view the available styles. Embossed covers have the option of two fonts - Futura or Bank Gothic.



A Duo Pagemount layout with a full bleed image and mats top and bottom (Split Mat) Close up of a Duo Pagemount page with ivory mats and page colour. A Duo Pagemount page with a full bleed image on the right hand side.


Duos are our signature product.
They enable you to combine Matted and
Flushmount pages in the same album,
and to bleed images out to the edge
of matted pages on one or more sides.
A Duo Pagemount layout with a full bleed image and mats top and bottom (Split Mat) A Duo Pagemount page with a full bleed image on the right hand side. Pages and mats are available in Black
or Ivory. Display your prints either Pagemount
or Overlay style on matted pages. All images
are printed on photographic paper using
traditional silver halide technology.
On Overlay pages the photograph is
lightly taped behind the matted board
with the print edge concealed behind it,
giving the pages a classic look.
A Duo Flip page (open) A Duo Wing page

Photo Front covers are available in either
half or full photo covers. Add names to the
photo by choosing one of our template styles.
Carbon Buckram with a Half Photo Front Cover. COVER MOTIFS
Cover Motifs are available in Square,
Vertical or Horizontal formats. Add names
over your image by choosing from our
template styles or choose a text only style.
18x10H album in Ivory Contemporary Leather with a Cover Motif (square) EMBOSSING
Choose a plain cover or emboss names
on the front of your album in a choice of
two standard fonts - Futura or Bank Gothic.
Futura Blind Embossed names on Classic Black Leather. Bank Gothic Blind Embossed names on Carbon Buckram.



Our albums are made to stand the test of time in both durability and style.
We carefully select our materials from the best quality sources around
the world. Fine silk bookbinding fabrics from Japan, exceptional leather
from France and Germany.

Bengaline_Antique_WhiteBengaline_Antique_White Bengaline_BlackBengaline_Black Bengaline_SageBengaline_Sage Bengaline_SilverBengaline_Silver Buckram_AmethystBuckram_Amethyst Buckram_CarbonBuckram_Carbon Buckram_CopperBuckram_Copper Buckram_FuchsiaBuckram_Fuchsia Buckram_GoldBuckram_Gold Buckram_GunmetalBuckram_Gunmetal Buckram_IndigoBuckram_Indigo Buckram_MintBuckram_Mint Buckram_PearlBuckram_Pearl Buckram_SilverBuckram_Silver Buckram_SkyBuckram_Sky ClassicLeather_AubergineClassicLeather_Aubergine ClassicLeather_BlackClassicLeather_Black ClassicLeather_BurgundyClassicLeather_Burgundy ClassicLeather_CappuchinoClassicLeather_Cappuchino ClassicLeather_CherryClassicLeather_Cherry ClassicLeather_ChocolateClassicLeather_Chocolate ClassicLeather_DenimClassicLeather_Denim ClassicLeather_DoeskinClassicLeather_Doeskin ClassicLeather_GrassClassicLeather_Grass ClassicLeather_MoleskinClassicLeather_Moleskin ClassicLeather_MossClassicLeather_Moss ClassicLeather_NavyClassicLeather_Navy ClassicLeather_SandClassicLeather_Sand ClassicLeather_TangerineClassicLeather_Tangerine ClassicLeather_WhiteClassicLeather_White Contemporary_BauxiteContemporary_Bauxite Contemporary_BlueberryContemporary_Blueberry Contemporary_EarthContemporary_Earth Contemporary_GraphiteContemporary_Graphite Contemporary_IronContemporary_Iron Contemporary_IvoryContemporary_Ivory Contemporary_PlumContemporary_Plum Contemporary_SandstoneContemporary_Sandstone Contemporary_TamarilloContemporary_Tamarillo MicroLeather_CocoaMicroLeather_Cocoa MicroLeather_EggshellMicroLeather_Eggshell MicroLeather_GingerbreadMicroLeather_Gingerbread MicroLeather_InkMicroLeather_Ink MicroLeather_OnyxMicroLeather_Onyx MicroLeather_PowderBlueMicroLeather_PowderBlue MicroLeather_ShadowMicroLeather_Shadow MicroLeather_SyrahMicroLeather_Syrah MicroLeather_VanillaBeanMicroLeather_VanillaBean MicroSuede_GrapeMicroSuede_Grape MicroSuede_LimeMicroSuede_Lime MicroSuede_TurquoiseMicroSuede_Turquoise MicroSuede_VioletMicroSuede_Violet Silk_BlackPearlSilk_BlackPearl Silk_ButtercupSilk_Buttercup Silk_RasberrySilk_Rasberry Silk_RoseGoldSilk_RoseGold Silk_StoneSilk_Stone Silk_TwighlightSilk_Twighlight Vinyl_BlackVinyl_Black


Simple, bold and contemporary.

Flushmount Albums are the ultimate in contemporary albums. They offer maximum designability with un-matted pages and a variety of print options.